Sunday, February 8, 2009

Wine-Doors - A must have for wine users.

Wine-Doors is a great free alternative to applications such as Cedega or Crossover. It makes it really easy to install and config windows native programs by doing all of the dirty work that would usually take hours.
The interface is similar to Ubuntu's Add/Remove Applications program, and it does everything for you. All you need to do is just click next a few times and accept the occasional license agreement. :P

The only downside about wine doors is the amount of supported apps. Since their not some big dev team there progress is slow. But you can't beat free.

Wine-Doors Site

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Twitter... another terrible idea made possible by web 2.0

I don't care much for web 2.0. The only things I use that are web 2.0 oriented are stumbleupon, delicious and blogger. The only reason I use blogger is because It's easier and a lot more quicker to setup than a CMS and right now I don't have the time to manage a real website.

Then there is twitter. Twitter is the reason why the majority of internet users say TLDR. (Too Long Didn't Read) In lamens terms Twitter allows you to send and recive updates that consist of 140 chracters to and from friends and aquaintances. You can send these update from anywhere, thus granting people the ability to tell the internet that thier having trouble "unloading the poopdeck." It's main audience is web 2.0 aficiandos, lazy people, and people with nothing better to do.

So if you're wondering why so many fucktards comment on lengthy reads on the net with responses like "omg this sux TLDR!!1!" Twitter is to blame.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

What the fuck is a podcast?

I had to one one of these "Podcasts" today in school, and I have to say that its all a load of bullshit. I believe the proper term for these are "Audio Recordings" My school was retarded enough to pay for a full licensed "Podcast Studio" program that is in between windows sound recorder and audacity in terms of functionality, both being free. So why the fuck would they waste all that money on this bullshit audio recording software, just because it uses a retarded buzz-word invented by Apple?

How to setup virtualbox to sync itunes with your ipod in Ubuntu

For anyone who has the latest and the gayest Apple iPood touch or iPhone that has some encryption shit on it you probably need iTunes. Well all my PC's are now running Linux and I doubt my parents PC would really like having 8 gigs of songs on it :P

Here's what your going to need to do:
-Install VirtualBox (not VirtualBox OSE)
-Fix the error regarding USB connectivity

1.Get the correct version of VirtualBox (not OSE) for your OS and processor from:
2.Save it to your home folder and open up the terminal. You will then run this command:
"sudo dpkg -i packagename.deb" (Replace packagename.deb with the respective package name.)
3.Once it's done installing, either get the virtual machine profile for your copy of windows (XP for me) or Install a fresh copy from a CD or .iso file.
4.Once XP is installed, install iTunes. This is as far as you can go for now, so just shut off the virtual machine and exit VirtualBox.
5.Now we need to edit ubuntu to add USB support for Virtual Box. Run this in the Terminal once VirtualBox is closed:
echo "none /proc/bus/usb usbfs devgid="$(sed '/plugdev/!d;s/plugdev:x:\(.*\):.*/\1/' /etc/group)",devmode=664 0 0" | sudo tee -a /etc/fstab
6.Now we need to rebuild the virtualbox kernel modules, by running this command:
sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup
7.Once that is finished, restart and open up VirtualBox. Select your virtual machine and click settings. Go to USB and check both "Enable USB Controller" and "Enable USB 2.0 (EHCI) Controller", if your machine is USB 2.0 capable.
8.Boot up the virtual OS, and Hook up the iPod to your PC
9.In the Virtual OS window menu go to Devices>Usb Devices, and click on "Apple inc iPod".

Now you can sync your iPod with iTunes. To transfer files to your windows virtual machine from Ubuntu I just made a FTP server. Here's a tutorial I did on how to make an FTP server:
How to setup FTP access quickly and lazily in ubuntu

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

How to pick a fake name

Say you need a fake name, maybe because you are trying to troll a friend, or the Internet hates who you are in real life. :P Well if your like most people and lack the skill to think on your own, I'm here to help!

All you need is an email account that gets a lot of spam messages, then just go to your spam filter and find a suitable name of one of the senders:

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Modified Theme

Well whoever still uses 800x600 resolution can go to hell. You should at least be using 1280x1024. So I expanded the width and made a less gay looking top bar to blend in with the theme. Took me like 5 mins tops, figuring that it's css and I only had to edit a few width values :D

How to setup FTP access quickly and lazily in ubuntu

All I really need to do is just share my media drive out to the rest of the network. No fancy user permissions, or any other wizardry.

First off we need to install the software that will let us host an FTP server. vsftpd will work if you don't really care for a lot of features.

1.Type this in the terminal to install vsftpd:
sudo apt-get install vsftpd

2.Then your going to want to edit /etc/vsftpd.conf so that we can login to actual user names to access their home directories. To do so just type these lines into the terminal:
cd /etc
sudo nano vsftpd.conf

3.Once you are in the config file you will want to change the following settings:
anonomous_enable=YES to NO
#local_enable=YES to local_enable=YES

If you want to allow users to write to your ftp change this line:
#write_enable=YES to write_enable=YES

4.Now secure all user accounts! Make sure the root account is either disabled or it has a diffrent password that whatever account your using for your ftp. As always use diffrent passwords for diffrent accounts! The setting local_enable will make all acount's home dirs accessible via ftp (Protected by the same password of course.)

5.Now that you have everything locked down and setup, you may want to share stuff besides your home dir. I wanted to share an NTFS volume, (/media/Storage1) So I had to create another user account for this.

Go to System>Administration>Users and Groups. Click the Unlock button and enter in your password. (You will have to be an admin to do this step.)
Once you unlocked it you can now create a user. Make a simple user name and choose a password that is different than all your other passwords. Go to the User Privileges tab and uncheck everything that isn't needed for the account to share the folder/drive. (I kept "Mount user-space filesystems (FUSE)" on so I could share out my NTFS drive.) Hit OK and don't close out the Users Settings window.

6.Now we will need to point the account to the folder/drive we want to share. Ubuntu does not like to assign new accounts to a home directory that already exists so that is why you have to reopen the account properties. Now click on the account and click on the properties buton if you haven't already. This time go to the Advanced tab and set the home directory to the directory you want to share. (/media/Storage1NTFS/ for me.)

7.You may need to restart to get everything to work right. Now you have a fully functioning FTP server and it's a lot more easier to setup then to muck around with config files. :P

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Linux Guide: How to fix "blank screen" gui error

If you ever boot into a distro of Linux (Ubuntu for me) for the first time and your greeted by a blank screen after it loads the OS then here is the solution to your problem:

Here's a guide how to fix this problem
1.Press Ctrl+F2
2.Login and type in "cd etc/X11"
3.type this in: "sudo nano xorg.conf", put in your password.
4a.In the editor add this line (If your file is empty), or replace the existing Driver line to: Driver "Vesa"
5.Cress Ctrl+X, then hit "y".
6.Restart, you will boot to a prompt that will ask to change the configuration of your driver. You will want it to generate a new configuration file.
7.Restart again and go back into text-mode (Press Ctrl+F2)
8.Again, run: "cd etc/X11"
9.type: "sudo nano xorg.conf", put in your password again
10.Under the "Display" line type, or replace the existing Driver line to: Driver "Vesa"
11.Cress Ctrl+X, then hit "y".
12.Restart and hopefully you will be greeted by the GUI

This happens with some ATI cards (I have an ATI 3870) and some Nvidia cards. Dont let this turn you off from using linux, its just the fact that linux doesnt always know what driver to use.